Something that has captured my imagination over the last few years came about from reading about the author Graham Hancock. Graham believes that there is a missing chapter of Earth’s history. Some things that archaeology tells us just doesn’t ring true. When these “truths” are spelled out, it becomes even more baffling.
“Human history has become too much a matter of dogma taught by ‘professionals’ in ivory towers as though it’s all fact. Actually, much of human history is up for grabs. The further back you go, the more that the history that’s taught in the schools and universities begins to look like some kind of faerie story.” – Graham Hancock
Time is an incredibly difficult thing for any human to comprehend. We all understand the basics (Seconds, minutes, days etc.) but when it moves up to even decades things become a bit more ropey. Facebook for example celebrated it’s 20th birthday just this year. I know for some of my readers you will have probably been a teenager or even younger when it launched but for me it feels like it’s been here a lot longer. It was over 100 years ago that television was first broadcast which isn’t actually that long ago in the grand scheme of things. Now go back much further. It is widely accepted by archaeology that the oldest Egyptian pyramid was built around 2630 BC at Saqqara. If this is true then yet again in a relatively short space of time humans lost the ability to create such great monoliths that we see in Egypt and indeed around the rest of the world resorting back to much simpler forms of architecture.
Even today with all of the technology at our disposal along with the great advances in science and math it is unlikely we could build anything as magnificent as can be seen and reported to be linked to the Egyptians.
So what evidence is there other than this?

Carbon Dating
Many consider carbon dating the only reliable way to find out the age of something. However, stones can’t be carbon dated. Instead archaeologists will search and dig to find evidence around stone structures to find evidence of life. In the case of the Pyramids the age of the pyramids was determined by carbon dating pottery and camp fires that were outside of the pyramids. Putting ourselves in a similar position to these Egyptian people if there is something of note or a large city etc. then people will move there and congregate. Houses will be built and business will arrive. Thousands of years ago if someone stumbled upon the Pyramids of Giza (In the middle of a dangerous desert) then people may have flocked there, both as a travel destination but ultimately it would become a hub. Somewhere that can be seen from far off and a trading post. The Pyramids themselves may not have been ventured into but used more as a signpost or flag to signify humans were there.
If this were true then who built the pyramids? and exactly how old are they really?
In the next part of this I will be discussing some more specifics around my theories based on information that I have studied from various resources